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Big Bend National Park Poster

This travel and tourism poster is a scene inside Big Bend National Park on a section of the Rio Grande River. Created using Adobe Illustrator for CMST 320 Illustration Graphics at UMGC in May 2022.

By including this project of a National Park poster, I can demonstrate the skill of creating original designs. Working within a design concept with a central idea is a typical design expectation of a graphic designer. Then using the particular elements or requirements that a client may need; I then create a final product. Showcasing my skill with tools used in Adobe Illustrator is seen in this piece. There are many different tools used in the poster, including pen and brush tools, shape tools, gradient effects, mesh tool, as well as color theory and layout considerations within the design. This project shows my creativity, ability to create original work, create depth inside the composition, and my use of texture in a 2D media.

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